Chapter 1 "a bridge to God"
Wednesday morning is almost here and that means I need to get some questions to you as a way of helping the flow of discussion. What I thought would work was to take two questions directly from each chapter as it is structured and then we can have time to explore our own thoughts. An additional question is chosen for you to consider on your own. If you are so inspired leave a comment below.
Chapter 1: Consider the 4 elements of Ignatian Spirituality (pp 5-11): finding God in all things, becoming a contemplative in action, looking at the world in an incarnational way and seeking freedom and detachment. Does any approach come more naturally to you than others?
Do you shy away from any- if so what might be the root of that resistance? (discussion question)
What's the most compelling part of the life of St Ignatius? Where might your life intersect with his? For example, have you ever found God in times of vulnerability? (discussion)
Something to consider: What other spiritualities -- Christian or otherwise -- are you familiar with? How does the practicality of the way of Ignatius offer a "bridge to God" in a new or different way.